How to Achieve Healthy Hair this Summer
The heat and humidity of summer has a big impact on our skin and hair health. With high temperatures and the sun’s damaging rays, it is important to protect our strands throughout the summer months.
Keen to learn why hair loss occurs and how to reduce it? Here are five uncommonly known causes to consider as well as tips for preventing hair loss this summer.
#1: Styling Habits
One of the most common causes of excess hair loss is caused by the environment we create for our hair. A challenging environment is caused by hair styling tools which require heat, hair elastics, hats which cause friction, as well as hair styles which tug our hair at the hairline such as tight ponytails and the favourable top knot. Not only do these styling habits cause strain on the hair via heat and tension, they can also lead to long term thinning of the hair by consistent pulling and damage.
Tip: Give your hair a break from heat, opt for gentle brushes such as detanglers, and wear your hair out – especially when sleeping.
#2: Contraceptives
Birth control pills are known to have a number of affects on the functioning of our skin so its no surprise that these tiny pills can cause changes to our hair also. The oral contraceptive can cause those with a predisposition to hair thinning to experience more drastic thinning when taking the pill. In addition to this, according to the American Hair Loss Association, “Women who are hypersensitive to the hormonal changes taking place in their bodies can experience hair loss to varying degrees while on the pill or more commonly, several weeks or months after stopping the pill.”
Tip: If you are concerned about your current course of contraception, now is the time to speak with your doctor about side-effects and alternate options.
#3: Stress
When we feel stressed we often use the term “pulling our hair out”, but that’s not actually how stress affects our hair density. Extreme stress can lead to a disruption of the hair’s normal growth cycle. To get technical, the “telegon” phase is the end of the hair life cycle. Stress causes hair to enter this phase prematurely making it fall faster than normal therefore shortening the life cycle of individual hair strands.
Tip: Adequate sleep combined with a healthy diet and exercise regime have shown to assist in the natural regulation of the stress hormone, cortisol.
#4: Vitamin Deficiencies
Deficiencies in vitamins can lead to thinning hair due to malnourishment and an impaired immune system. Crash diets and eating disorders are often to blame for this as the body struggles to nurture its cells. A Vitamin D deficiency can dramatically affect hair growth while Vitamins B, C, Zinc and Iron are known for helping your hair grow faster and appear luscious and full.
Tip: Before starting any sort of new diet be sure that the diet meets all of your nutritional needs including vitamins B,C and D.
#5 Post Partum Hair Loss
While many expecting women experience a surge in hair growth during pregnancy, post-partum hair loss is a very real and common concern for new mums. While it may feel like you are losing your hair, it’s actually just your body’s way of regulating your hair growth rate. The scientific reason for this is that pregnancy hormones slow hair loss stopping you from shedding the standard 50-100 strands per day. As estrogen decreases post-birth, a shedding occurs as the body starts to revert back to its normal growth cycle. During this time hair can fall quite drastically which can cause alarm. But don’t fret, this is a normal process of both pregnancy and post-partum periods.
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion is an Australian made hair growth and enhancement treatment. Harnessing the power of Sabal Extract and other natural hair boosting ingredients, Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion has shown to have powerful hair growth properties.
Ready to achieve your best hair and undo damage caused by stress and hair loss? Purchase your Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion here.